Child Protection Policy

Camera a Sud APS is committed to keeping children safe. Camera a SUD promotes effective actions aimed to ensure children wellbeing and protection, focusing on the prevention of physical and mental abuses and all forms of violence against children. Camera a Sud recognizes that all Managers, Employees, Associates and Representatives and those of partner organizations coming into contact with children have a fundamental duty of care towards them. Camera a Sud condemns all forms of abuse and violence against children that can be perpetuated outside and inside the organization. Camera a Sud Child protection Policy is grounded on

  • Camera a Sud mission, vision and values;
  • Camera a Sud Child protection Policy recognizes the UN Child Rights Convention (Art. 19);
  • General Comment No. 13 (2011) of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
  • the right of the child to freedom from all forms of violence;
  • Keeping children Safe Coalition Child Protection Standards



For the purpose of this policy, the definition of a child is “every human being below the age of 18 years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier”. This is in accordance with Article 1 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child.

Child abuse

eatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including commercial exploitation, sexual abuse while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s) or any other person who has the care of the child.

Principles and values

The following principles and values reflect Camera a Sud stance on child protection:

  • Zero tolerance of child abuse:CEIPES does not tolerate any form of child abuse, nor does it tolerate possession or access to any material that is abusive towards children.Camera a Sud will not knowingly engage anyone who poses a direct risk to children.
  • Recognition of children’s interests: Camera a Sud recognises that some children are at greater risk of abuse. Of particular vulnerability are children with disabilities, children in conflict situations as well as migrant children or children without parents.
  • Sharing responsibility of child protection: When bidding for projects in association with firms that do not have a child protection policy, Camera a Sud will ensure that associate firms agree to adopt Camera a Sud ’ Child Protection Policy and the Child Safeguarding Standards as set out by the Council of Europe.

Goal of the Policy

To protect children from all forms of abuse in the course of our work.


The purpose of this Child Protection Policy is to:

  • provide a management strategy to prevent child abuse and protect children in the course of our work;
  • protect Camera a Sud staff and partners from unfair practices and processes;
  • provide Camera a Sud staff and partners with clear guidelines on what to do in the case of suspected child abuse.
  • Camera a Sud ‘ commitment
  • Camera a Sud’ commitment to child protection will be guided by the following:
  • Awareness: we will ensure that all Camera a Sud staff and partners as well as stakeholders envolved in projects are aware of the problem of child abuse and the risks to children.
  • Prevention: we will ensure, through awareness and good practice, that Camera a Sud staff and partners minimise the risks to children.
  • Reporting: we will ensure that Camera a Sud staff and partners are clear on what steps to take where concerns arise regarding the safety of children.
  • Responding: we will ensure that action is taken to support and protect children where concerns of abuse arise.

General Procedures

The following general procedures will mainstream Camera a Sud’s Child Protection Policy an Child Protection Code of Conduct:
Both Child Protection Policy and Code of Conduct are made an integral part of Camera a Sud quality management system and the legally binding instructions it contains.

  • Contracts for persons newly employed by Camera a Sud will contain a provision foreseeing their dismissal if they breach the Child Protection Code of Conduct.
  • All Camera a Sud subsidiaries will be required to adopt a child protection policy that meets the standards of Camera a Sud ‘s own policy in this matter.
  • Any agreement between Camera a Sud and partners which concerns services directly to children will require assurance that appropriate child protection policies and procedures are in place.
  • A copy of the child protection policy will be posted on the Camera a Sud
  • All project offices will display contact details for reporting possible child abuse and Camera a Sud staff will have contact details for reporting.
  • A reporting procedure is put in place to investigate and deal with possible child abuse


When handling child abuse complaints, CEIPES will take into account the relevant legislation in both Italy and the country in which the alleged incident took place.